ANALISIS TINGKAT LITERASI KEUANGAN MAHASISWA DAN FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHINYA (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Bidikmisi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Nusantara Sakti (STIA-NUSA) Sungai Penuh)



  • Vina Melinda STIA Nusantara Sakti Sungai Penuh


Gender, Education Level , Income Level, and Financial Literacy.


THE ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL LITERATION LEVEL OF STUDENTS AND ITS INFLUENCING FACTORS the research of Bidikmisi Students of the Nusantara Sakti College of Administrative (STIA-NUSA) Sungai Penuh This research was conducted to all Bidikmisi Students of the Nusantara Sakti College of Administrative (STIA-NUSA) Sungai Penuh. There are three aims of this research. The first, knowing the effect of gender, education level and income level on financial literacy simultaneously and partially. The second, cognizing how much influence between gender, education level and income level on financial literacy simultaneously and partially. The third, finding out the most dominant variable between gender, education level and income level on financial literacy. The number of samples was 21 respondents, by using Quantitative methods. Gender, parents education and parents' income are as independent variable, while the dependent variable is financial literacy. The analysis used is multiple linear analysis includes, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing. There are four results of this research. The first, the regression coefficient test of Gender, Parental Education and Parental Income on Financial Literacy is positive. In other words, Gender, Parental Education and Parental Income can affect Financial Literacy. The second, The coefficient of determination is R Square (determination) of 0.372. For this reason, it can conclude that the influence of gender, parental education, and parental income on financial literacy is 37.2 percent. The third, the most dominant variable between gender, education level and income level on financial literacy is variable. Testing of parents' income variables on financial literacy shows the t value of 2.373 (sig 5% <0.030) or t count 2.373 <1.729, then Ha is accepted which means that there is a significant influence between parents' income on financial literacy of Bidikmisi Students of the Nusantara Sakti College of Administrative (STIA-NUSA) Sungai Penuh. And the fourth, the results of the F test showed that F counted 3.352 while the F table was obtained at 2.87, according to the test results can be concluded that F count> F table (3.352> 2.87) then Ho is rejected while Ha accepted which means that there is a significant effect simultaneously between the gender, Parental Education and Parental Income on financial literacy of Bidikmisi Students of the Nusantara Sakti College of Administrative (STIA-NUSA) Sungai Penuh.


