Pengaruh Koordinasi dan Komunikasi Terhadap Efektifitas Kerja Aparatur Sipil Negara Pada Sekretariat Daerah Kota Sungai Penuh





Coordination, Communication, and Effectiveness of Work


This study entitled The Effect of Coordination and Communication on the Work Effectiveness of  government employees of at the Regional Secretariat of Sungai Penuh District his study entitled The Effect  Coordination and Communication on the Work Effectiveness of government employees at the Regional Secretariat of S ungai Penuh District. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether there is an effect of coordination and communication on the effectiveness of the work of the Government employees (ASN) at the Regional Secretariat (Setda) of Sungai Penuh District either partially or simultaneously, has a large influence on the influence of coordination and communication on work effectiveness both partially and simultaneously and which variable is the most dominant that affects coordination and communication on the effectiveness of ASN work in the Regional Secretariat for Sungai Penuh District.

                This study uses a quantitative approach, the population of this study is all 84 employees working in the Regional Secretariat of Sungai Penuh District. The results of data analysis from the multiple linear regression equation Y = 20,886 + 0,275X1 + 0,392X2 coordination regression coefficient on positive work effectiveness. There is a significant influence between coordination and communication on the effectiveness of ASN work at the Regional Secretariat for Sungai Penuh District, this is evidenced by f table (11.067> 3.11). The simultaneous influence between coordination and communication on the effectiveness of ASN work at the Regional Secretariat for Sungai Penuh district is 21.5% while the remaining 78.5% is from other variables not studied.

                It is necessary to increase the increase in the effectiveness of ASN work by placing human resources following their fields, the responsibilities of employees towards their duties so that the target organization goals are achieved. It is hoped that the leadership of the Regional Secretariat of Sungai Penuh District will be able to establish effective communication to increase employee morale so that they are more active in working to get better results. It is necessary to monitor the implementation of clear and detailed work standards to optimize internal supervision so that it can achieve targets and goals. organization in the Regional Secretariat of Sungai Penuh District. To all employees to maintain and improve coordination, communication and,  work discipline as well as the division of work and the main tasks and functions of each employee. A leader who have to coordinate the fields of work in the Regional Secretariat of Sungai Penuh District according to their competence so that employees can easily understand the path of work being carried out

 Keywords: Coordination, Communication, and Effectiveness of Work


