PENGARUH SIKAP KEUANGAN DAN PERILAKU KEUANGAN TERHADAP LITERASI KEUANGAN (Studi Kasus pada Ibu Rumah Tangga di Desa Pelayang Raya Kecamatan Sungai Bungkal)
Financial Attitude, Financial Behavior, and Financial Literacy.Abstract
THE EFFECT OF FINANCIAL ATTITUDE AND FINANCIAL BEHAVIOR ON FINANCIAL LITERATURE (Case Study on Housewives in Pelayang Raya Village, Sungai Bungkal District). This research was conducted on housewives in the village of Pelayang Raya, Sungai Bungkal District. This study aims to: first, to determine the effect of financial attitudes and financial behavior on financial literacy, either partially or simultaneously on housewives in the village of Pelayang Raya, Sungai Bungkal District. Second, to find out the most dominant variable between Financial Attitude and Financial Behavior that affects Financial Literacy in Housewives in the Village of Pelayang Raya, Sungai Bungkal District. This study used a sample of 86 respondents, using quantitative methods. The analysis used is multiple linear analysis. The results of this study prove that Financial Attitudes and Financial Behaviors have a significant effect on Financial Literacy (Case Study on Housewives in the Village of Pelayang Raya, Sungai Bungkal District). And Financial Attitudes and Financial Behaviors simultaneously have a significant effect on Financial Literacy (Case Study on Housewives in the Village of Pelayang Raya, Sungai Bungkal District).