Mulyadi1, Hendri2, Dadang Djoko Karyanto3, Rita Fitria 4, M. Munarwan 5, Mundori 6
School-Based ManagementAbstract
School-based management is the granting of broad autonomy to schools. Thus, schools are free to manage resources and sources of funds according to their needs, and are more responsive to local needs. The purpose of this study is to explain the implementation of school-based management by looking at the inhibiting and supporting factors in the implementation of school-based management in one of the public elementary schools in Jambi City. The research method is a qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection techniques are interviews, observations, and documents. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of school-based management in one of the primary schools in Neferi, Jambi City, refers to the regulations set by the government in meeting educational standards which include content standards and components of SBM that have not been smooth. Conclusion from the results of the study that the implementation of school-based management in one of the public elementary schools in Jambi City has been implemented but has not been good. There are several supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of school-based management. Suggestion: Increase school participation in the implementation of SBM in Kerinci Regency Public Elementary Schools, schools to fix the lack of facilities and infrastructure needed, are expected to be able to provide ideas and ideas that prioritize the interests of the agency or common interests, pay attention to management and improve management that occurs in schools to make it more effective. optimally again so that the school is able to achieve what the school has not achieved. the right solution for schools so that schools can run effectively, overcome existing deficiencies by optimizing administrative processes, teaching and meeting student needs.