This study aims to determine the effect of Trainning on the Job Satisfaction of Polres Kerinci Police members trough Job Satisfaction as an intervening variable. Responden in this study were members of the police, amounting to 20 people. The analytical tool used in this research is simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression and Path Analysis, by performing a Regression test. The result show that : 1. Trainning has no significan effect on performance, it is know that tcount >tables is (1.373 <1.734) with a significant level of 0,186 (significance > 5%). Than there is an insignificant influence between Job Satisfaction (X) on Performance (Y). 2. Job Satisfaction is influence positive and significant impact on Performance, it is know that the table score is 2,415 >2,101with a significant level of 0,027 (significance < 5%). Then there is a significant influence between Job Satisfaction (Z) on Performance (Y). 3. Job Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction together have a positive effect on Performance, this is evedenced by the Fhitung value of 80.422 and Ftable 3,55 with a significance of 0,000 therefore Fcount > Ftable (80.422 > 3,55) then H0 is rejected and Ha Accepted. With a smaller significant value of 0,05 (0,000 < 0,05), it can be concluded that Job Satisfaction, and Performance together have positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction a member of the Polres Kerinci. 4. Path Analysis and testing in this study, indicatet that the Job Satisfaction variable has a positive and significant effect on performance with Job Satisfaction as mediator. Because the account is 2,346 with a significance level of 0,05%. For tables at the 0,05 significance level and df = n-k (20-2=18), the magnitude of the tack is 2,101. So tcount >ttable (2,883 >2,101), it can be concluded that the mediation coefficient of 0,839302 is significant. Which means that Performance can be a mediator in the influence of Job Satisfaction on Performance at the Polres Kerinci.